Size: 226 cm x 226 cm
Techniques: patchwork
Level: beginner
Unit of measurement: centimeters
Language: English
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If you love fabric, you probably - just like me - find it difficult to part with even the tiniest piece of beautiful fabric. Instead of throwing them, you can combine them into a beautiful scrap quilt. The Pyramid Quilt is such a fun project to work on: when you prepare the pieces, you can make blocks anywhere you go and before you know it, you will have a whole pile of them finished.
This quilt is a perfect project to re-create with your own mix of scraps.
- White (background and sashings): 220 cm x 110 cm
- Red (border and binding): 260 cm x 110 cm
- Various colored scraps (pyramids)
- Batting: 240 cm x 240 cm
- Backing: 240 cm x 240cm
- Matching sewing and quilting threads