Size: 71” x 71” (177 cm x 177 cm)
Techniques: patchwork, foundation piecing
Level: beginner
Unit of measurement: inches / centimeters
Language: English
PDF pattern: PDF pattern will be delivered at checkout. No paper pattern will be send.
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Foundation piecing is such a fun and quick way to assemble your blocks and it's a perfect techniquse for beginners as well as advanced quilters.
"Down The Road" combines all 18 fabrics from the EQP Textiles - Of Old And New collection in a gorgous quilt, perfect to decorate your wall or to keep you warm during colder evenings.
- Cream1 (blocks): 40” x 44” (10 0 cm x 110 cm)
- Cream2 (blocks + sashings): 46” x 44” (115 cm x 110 cm)
- Blue (blocks + border): 74” x 44” (185 cm x 110 cm)
- Red (blocks, cornerstones, binding): 42” x 44” (105 cm x 110 cm)
- 14 assorted fabrics in pink, red, yellow, green, blue, brown, orange and purple (blocks), each: 8” x 44” (20 cm x 110 cm)
- Batting: 76” x 76” (190 cm x 190 cm)
- Backing: 76” x 76” (190 cm x 190 cm)
- Foundation paper
- Matching sewing and quilting threads
Down The Road - PDF pattern (English)
SKU: 24227pdf