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Tips & Tricks: Storing your scraps

Whether it is some leftover fabric from a quilt I made, a small piece gifted by a friend or a Fat 16th of Ugly Fabric I found somewhere, not even the smallest piece of fabric is discarded.

But scraps have the tendency to somehow magically multiplyand what starts as a small pilecan become a mountain within weeks or months.


And when unorganised, the variety of colors and prints can become overwhelming instead of inspirational.

So today I'm sharing one of my best and easiest tips with you, for organising and storing even your smallest scraps.

I keep all of my scraps in small plastic containers, the ones that you get when you order Chinese takeaway :o) 

Instead of disposing the containers,

I give them a good wash and fill them with fabric goodness.

Each container holds a different color of scraps and thanks to the transparant lid I can easily see what's inside.

Also, because of their small size, it's easy to keep them neat and uncluttered.

I love to organise my fabrics, including my scraps, by color.That way, if I need a specific color for a specific project,

I can find it without having to dig through my entire stash.

For example, if I want to make a snowman's nose,

I just need to pull the container with reds or oranges.


Of course, some quilts or blocks don't need a specific color. In that case, I open all my boxes,

grab my favorite colors and prints and mix them all up!

But what's the point in saving all those tiny pieces of fabric?Well, you can't make a true scrap quilt when each piece of fabric is carefully selected.A good mishmash of prints and colors will make the most beautiful quilts!

All organised and wondering what to do with all those scraps? We have so many lovely scrap quilt patterns available for you on our website!


Happy quilting!


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